Fall of Duty

Photo by Brian Jiz from Pexels

She walked out of the door
saying 12 years is a long time
to let love grow or to let it die.
Had their share and it was more than
they could have walked anytime.

The dark clouds that loomed over,
the sky was blue always.
Weather doesn’t stay
but It’s hard when things change
and time doesn’t keep score,
what can fly, the wind will take away.

It’s hard on love
with wings of heart leashed to vows
he can’t bring himself to hate,
love is what he can best,
so he chose to forget.
It was easier for him
with duty on hand,
but it stoked her fury
and she chose for herself…
…that decided their fate.

In its benign servitude,
duty sacrifices more than love can do;
in its silent nonchalant ways;
not in words but the flowers
on the ledge
that blooms every day.

Published by localedemuse

I see myself in mirror and I see what is behind me. Incognito is what I suffer, the cause incognito it is.

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